By the initiative and decision of the private limited liability company Nter Asset Management, legal entity code 111707985, registered office address Jogailos street 9A, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – the Management Company) the ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the investment company with variable capital „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund“, legal entity code 111713358, registered office address Antano Tumėno street 4, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – the Company), is being convened on the 30th of April, 2024, at 9 a.m. (hereinafter – the Meeting). The Meeting will take place at the registered office of Management company at Jogailos street 9A, -1 floor, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania.
Meeting record date: the 23rd of April, 2024. The right to participate and to vote in the Meeting may be exercised only by those who are registered as the shareholders at the end of the Meeting record day, or persons duly authorised by the shareholders, or other persons who have a right to vote in accordance with the agreements executed with the shareholders.
For your convenience, shareholders are kindly asked to vote in advance by filling in the general voting ballot which, together with other documents related to the Meeting, shall be published no later than 10 days before the Meeting, on the website of the Management Company, in the menu section „Funds“, by selecting the Company by name. We are kindly asking to send a filled and signed with an electronic qualified signature ballot not later than until 30th of April, 2024, 8 a.m. to Management Company via email In case you do have any questions regarding the Meeting please do not hesitate to contact the Management Company via email.
Agenda of the Meeting and its draft decisions:
Regarding the assent to the Annual Report of the investment company with variable capital „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund“ for the year of 2023.
To give assent to the Annual Report of the investment company with variable capital „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund“ for the year of 2023.
Regarding approval of the audited Annual Financial Statements of investment company with variable capital „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund“ for the year of 2023.
To approve the audited Annual Financial Statements of investment company with variable capital „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund“ for the year 2023.
Regarding the assent to the Compensation Report of the investment company with variable capital „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund“ for the year of 2023.
To give assent to the Compensation Report of the investment company with variable capital „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund“ for the year of 2023.
Regarding the abolition of the supervisory board, approval of the new wording of the Articles of Association and granting of powers of attorneys.
To abolish the body performing the collegial supervisory function of the Company - the supervisory board - and to approve the new wording of the Company's Articles of Association (the draft of the Articles of Association is attached), changing the entire text of the Articles of Association (without additionally approving the amendment of individual articles of the Articles of Association).
To authorize the general manager of the management company Nter Asset Management or another person authorized by him to sign the new version of the articles of association of the investment variable capital company "OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund", as well as to perform all other actions related to the amendment of the articles of association, including, but not limited to, applying to the Lithuanian bank regarding permission to change the articles of association of the investment variable capital company "OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund".
Regarding the approval of the change of remuneration policy of the variable capital investment company „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund“.
Taking into account the draft decision of this general meeting of shareholders on item 4 of the agenda, to approve the new remuneration policy of the Company (the draft of the Remuneration Policy is attached), changing the entire text of the Remuneration Policy (without additionally approving the change of individual points of the Remuneration Policy).
In case you do have any questions regarding the Meeting please do not hesitate to contact the Management Company:
Tel. No.: +370 5 203 2699
OMX Notification regarding convocation of general meeting of shareholders.
General voting ballot.
Audited set of annual financial statements of the variable capital investment company „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund" for the year 2023 (including the annual report and compensation report).
Comparative version of the Articles of Association of the variable capital investment company „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund“.
Comparative version of the Remuneration Policy of the variable capital investment company „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund“.
Minutes of the Supervisory Board meeting.