OEG acquired a 100% shareholding of Ultramedia sp. z o.o., a Polish limited liability company, with the aim to create a legal platform for expanding group's activities in Poland.
The acquired company has a share capital of PLN 50,000 (EUR 1 = PLN 4.2377) and has recently been passive. The parties have agreed not to disclose the price of the transaction.
These transaction are not considered to be a transaction with related parties (in the meaning of the rules and regulations of NASDAQ OMX Tallinn stock exchange) and it do not have a material effect on the economic activities of the OEG group. The management board and the supervisory board members of OEG are not personally interested in this transaction in any other way.
Madis Jääger
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Tel + 372 667 1250
E-post madis.jaager@oc.eu