The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AUGA group, AB (legal entity code 126264360, address: Konstitucijos ave. 21C, Vilnius; the Company) took place on 7th November 2023 (hereinafter – the Meeting), the shareholders attending the meeting held 182,969,455 shares, which entitled them to 182,969,455 votes (i.e. 78,96% of votes granted by all shares of the Company).
The following decisions have been taken at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:
1. Withdrawal of the Board (in corpore)
To withdraw the Board of the Company (in corpore) before the end of the term.
2. Election of the new Board
To elect following members of the new Board of the Company:
*The controlling shareholder of the Company, Baltic Champs Group, UAB, carrying more than 1/20 of all the votes, proposed Kristina Daudoravičienė in writing as an additional candidate for board members during the Meeting.
According to the information provided to the Company by the candidates, Peter Bryde, Andrej Cyba and Justina Klyvienė, are considered to be independent board members and Kristina Daudoravičienė and Kęstutis Juščius are considered to be as dependant board members. Information about elected candidates is attached as annex to this notice.
3. Approval of the remuneration for newly elected members of the board
3.1 To approve the following remuneration for the newly elected board members for one tenure: to set a monthly remuneration of EUR 2 280 (before taxes) for a member of the Board and EUR 3 000 (before taxes) for the Chairman of the Board, irrespective of the annual number of the Board meetings.
3.2 For board members living abroad – compensation of travel and accommodation costs for/during attendance of the board meeting – not exceeding EUR 500 + VAT (Lithuanian tariff) in respect to one board meeting in which he/she participated; if the board member participates in a meeting via communication/IT measures (not physically traveling to Lithuania), travel costs compensation shall not be paid for such participation.
Elina Chodzkaitė-Barauskienė
+370 5 233 5340