Amendments to the Articles of Association
To amend the articles of association of the joint stock company "Amber Latvijas balzams" and to express paragraph (21) of the articles of association in the following wording: "(21) The Supervisory Council consists of 3 (three) members of the Supervisory Council and is elected for a term of five years. The members of the Supervisory Council shall elect from among themselves the Chairperson of the Supervisory Council and at least one of his or her deputy."
To amend the Articles of Association of the joint stock company "Amber Latvijas balzams" and to express paragraph (27) of the Articles of Association in the following wording: "(27) The Management Board of Directors is the executive body of the Company. The Management Board may be composed of one or more members of the Management Board."
To amend the Articles of Association of the joint stock company "Amber Latvijas balzams" and to express paragraph (29) of the Articles of Association in the following wording: "(29) All members of the Management Board shall have the right to represent the company separately."
Delete paragraph (31) of the Articles of Association of the joint stock company "Amber Latvijas balzams".
Election of the Supervisory Council and determination of remuneration for the Supervisory Council
In accordance with the seventh paragraph of Article 296 of the Commercial Law, to recall Rolands Gulbis, Velga Celmiņa, Guntars Reidzāns and Boriss Ņešatajevs from the position of a member of the Supervisory Council of the joint stock company "Amber Latvijas balzams".
To elect joint stock company "Amber Latvijas balzams" to the position of a member of the Supervisory Council for a period of 5 (five) years, determining the beginning of the term of office of the Supervisory Council on 1 October 2024:
Velga Celmiņa,
Boriss Ņešatajevs,
Valizhan Abidov.
Determine the annual remuneration of the Supervisory Council in the amount of not more than 80 000 euros before taxes, and authorize the chairman of the Supervisory Council to determine the distribution of remuneration among the members of the Supervisory Council.
Election of the audit committee and determination of remuneration for the audit committee
To remove Rolands Gulbis, Anita Zīle and Jelena Skobeļeva from the positions of three members of the Audit Committee of the joint stock company "Amber Latvijas balzams".
To elect the Audit Committee of the joint stock company "Amber Latvijas balzams" in the composition of three members for a period of three years, determining the beginning of the term of office of the Audit Committee on 1 October 2024:
Anita Zīle,
Jelena Skobeļeva,
Member of the Supervisory Council Boriss Ņešatajevs.
Determine the annual remuneration of the Audit Committee in the amount of not more than 36,000 euros before taxes, and authorize the chairman of the Audit Committee to determine the distribution of remuneration among the members of the Audit Committee.
Approval of the remuneration policy
To approve the remuneration policy of the Management Board and the Supervisory Council.
Riga, October 1, 2024
The Management Board
Joint Stock Company "Amber Latvijas balzams"