English Icelandic
Published: 2022-02-04 12:30:00 CET
Lánamál ríkisins
Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Auction result of Treasury Bonds - RIKS 26 0216 - RIKS 37 0115

Series RIKS 26 0216RIKS 37 0115
Settlement Date 02/09/202202/09/2022
Total Amount Allocated (MM) 5,8555,085
All Bids Awarded At (Price / Yield) 106.238/-0.05096.610/1.250
Total Number of Bids Received 1839
Total Amount of All Bids Received (MM) 6,96111,940
Total Number of Successful Bids 1213
Number of Bids Allocated in Full 1213
Lowest Price / Highest Yield Allocated 106.238/-0.05096.610/1.250
Highest Price / Lowest Yield Allocated 106.322/-0.07096.750/1.240
Lowest Price / Highest Yield Allocated in Full 106.238/-0.05096.610/1.250
Weighted Average of Successful Bids (Price/Yield) 106.270/-0.05896.658/1.247
Best Bid (Price / Yield) 106.322/-0.07096.750/1.240
Worst Bid (Price / Yield) 106.150/-0.02996.080/1.290
Weighted Average of All Bids Received (Price / Yield) 106.262/-0.05696.488/1.259
Percentage Partial Allocation (Approximate) 100.00 %100.00 %
Bid to Cover Ratio 1.192.35