On 12 March 2021 the General Meeting of Shareholders of Public limited liability company “Novaturas”, code 135567698, registered at A. Mickevičiaus st. 27, Kaunas, the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter, the “Company”), is being convened upon the initiative and decision of Board of the Company. The following decisions have been made during the Meeting:
- Issuance of convertible bonds, revocation of the pre-emptive right of the shareholders to acquire newly issued convertible bonds granting the right to subscribe and acquire all Convertible bonds exclusively to the limited partnership “Pagalbos verslui fondas”, to increase of the authorised share capital of the Company by converting the convertible bonds into Company’s shares.
Decision: approved unanimously.
- To approve the election of the audit company UAB “Deloitte Lietuva”(the Auditor) to audit the Company’s financial statements for the year 2020.
Decision: approved.
- To authorise the general director and the board of the Company to perform any and all actions in relation to the decisions mentioned above, including, without limitation, all actions related to the execution of the new wording of the articles of association of the Company and registration of the new wording of the articles of association with the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania. The general director of the Company shall be entitled to re-authorise (to issue the power of attorney to) any other persons to perform any of the aforementioned actions.
Decision: approved unanimously.
About “Novaturas” Group
AB “Novaturas” Group is the largest tour operator in the Baltic States, offering summer and winter package holidays in more than 30 destinations worldwide and more than 100 sightseeing routes. In 2019, the group served more than 293 thousand customers.
Tomas Staškūnas
+370 687 10426