Published: 2021-12-09 13:39:00 CET
IT information

IT – Equity Derivatives Trading Re-platform Update

As previously announced, Nasdaq Nordic Derivatives Markets will migrate the trading of Nordic equity derivatives, currently on the Genium INET platform to a new Nordic  Derivatives Trading System on February 21, 2022.

Time schedule

December 16-22 Member testing week
January 3-12 Member testing week
January 7 MWAT registration
January 22 Market Wide Acceptance Test (MWAT) 1
January 26 Market Wide Acceptance Test (MWAT) 2
January 29 BackUp date: MWAT
January 31 BackUp date: MWAT
February 7 Change to Production password (OUCH)
February 21 Production launch


Preparatory activities in Pre-Production

The Pre-Production environment is now open for test of connectivity and logons using ordered ports.
Port requests and user accounts:
·       Request for Pre-Production ports (FIX, OUCH, FIX Drop, ITCH re-request and GLIMPSE) can be submitted in the Member Portal
·       Request for Pre-Production market data access (ITCH, AMD) can be done using this form

Please note that until two weeks before go-live, Pre-Production OUCH ports will be using temporary passwords, and on February 7, the passwords will be updated with the production passwords. 
Scheduled activities in Pre-Production:
·       Member testing weeks: December 16-22 and January 3-12
·       Registration for Market Wide Acceptance Test: January 7
·       Market Wide Acceptance Tests: January 22 and 26
·       Market Wide Acceptance Tests (backup): January 29 and 31
·       Change to Production Password (OUCH): February 7
Detailed instructions for the launch weekend will be provided shortly, including weekend confidence logon tests, as well as different rollback and contingency scenarios.




Member Testing Weeks

During the member testing weeks, specific MWAT scenarios will be available for members in the Pre-Production environment:

  • Intraday add in instrument: Instruments will be added during continuous trading.
  • Regulatory suspension: Suspension of Ericsson. Orders will be removed from all Ericsson instruments.
  • Volatility Auction "Circuit Breaker": Volatility Auction on OMXS302C Future. Orders & Quotes in OMXS302C will participate in “Volatility Auction”.
  • Performance: The aim is to test realistic but high load generated by Nasdaq.
  • Disturbance tests: Trading Halt on all Markets a so called “Technical Halt”. All orders and quotes are canceled.
  • Failover: Intra Site Failover. Verify that cancel on disconnect works according to your specific setup.

Market Wide Acceptance Test (MWAT)

To prepare for production launch, two Market Wide Acceptance Tests (with backup dates) will be arranged in January. It is mandatory to participate in at least one of the MWATs:

  • MWAT Registration: January 7
  • MWAT 1: Saturday January 22 (10:30-13:00 CET)
  • MWAT 2: Wednesday January 26 (17:30-20:00 CET)
  • Backup: Saturday January 29 (10:30-13:00 CET)
  • Backup: Monday January 31 (17:30-20:00 CET)

Clearing & settlement verifications will not be available during these tests.

The Re-platforming web page will be updated with new information related to the MWATs, including a template for the registration & report, test schedule and plan. Please review this upcoming information to plan and prepare for the MWATs.

To prepare for these MWATs we would like to encourage all participants to be active in the testing available in Pre-Production environment as well as testing in our regular EqD Test environment.

Protocol Specification updates

Updated versions of the FIX, FIX XML, OUCH, ITCH and AMD protocol specifications are now available. On OUCH and FIX support for leg definitions has been added to Complex Instrument creation (security definition) message. The same information is currently available in the combination directory message on ITCH and will additionally be provided in the relevant response on the order entry interface to allow further flexibility for client applications in confirming the final complex instrument definition.

The functionality is not yet available in EqD Test, delivery will be noted in the Known Limitations document. These are non-breaking changes and should only impact those who choose to use the FIX/OUCH response message for this information instead of the ITCH reference data message. For the avoidance of doubt, the ITCH reference data message is unchanged.

The specifications can be found in the Member Portal under “Nasdaq Resources”, “Equity Derivatives Trading Replatform”.

Conformance testing

Trading applications connecting to NDTS are subject to mandatory conformance test prior to Production use. Conformance testing period still is ongoing, and Conformance testing scripts are available in the Member Portal. Please ensure your application or your service provider have scheduled or completed the conformance tests.

Genium INET and Test System Changes

On February 2, EqD Test that currently is connected to External Test 4 (EXT4) as clearing instance will be redirected to External Test 1 (EXT1). As of February 2, EXT4 will not be available for testing and end to end testing should be done in EXT1.

EXT1 will be upgraded to release 6.0.0200 on the same date. Testing hours in EXT1 will at the same time be temporarily prolonged to replicate production in order to match EqD Tests opening hours.

An updated version of the Changes to Genium INET document including impact on Trading Sessions and the EMIR Report is attached to this notice and is also available in Member Portal.

Re-platforming webpage

Latest information on the migration to the new Nordic Equity Derivatives Trading System is available on the re-platforming webpage: https://www.nasdaq.com/solutions/nordic-equity-derivatives-platform-migration

Further information

For technical questions, please contact:
Technical Support
Tel: +46 8 405 6750

For questions regarding this IT-Notice, please contact:
Anders Bergström
Tel: +46 8 405 7364

Riitta Pesiö
Tel: +46 8 405 6437

IT -Equity Derivatives Trading Replatform Update_2021-12-09 ripe.pdf