English Estonian
Published: 2023-09-01 15:30:00 CEST
Company Announcement


Grab2Go AS publishes 2023 1st 6 month unaudited interim report.


The Net sales for the first half of the financial year 2023 is 278 euros, which consists of the sales of equipment rental and maintenance services. (The turnover for the first half of 2022 was 0).

Since the company's regular income is just beginning, the net loss for the first half of the financial year 2023 is 215 thousand euros (the loss for 6 months of 2022 was 141,501 euros). The operational costs of the 1st half of the 2023 financial year were also inflated by preparatory costs for listing on First North, which consisted of advisor fees, stock exchange fees and settlement fees.

As of 30.06.2023, the company's balance sheet was 1,092,667 euros (30.06.2022: 966,662 euros). Current assets amounted to 364,021 euros (30.06.2022: 424,360 euros). The volume of fixed assets was 728,646 euros (30.06.2022: 542,302 euros). The company's equity was 1,040,981 euros, which constituted 95.3% of the balance sheet volume (30.06.2022: 860,167, 89% of the balance sheet volume).

In the first six months of the financial year 2023, 53 thousand euros were invested in the development of its product (294 thousand euros in the first half of 2022), which consisted of software development costs of 42 thousand euros and the rest in hardware development. As a result of the investments, the company has completed a basic software and hardware solution, to which sector-specific additional functionality can be added according to the customer's needs.

Sales activities

In the pharmacy sector, Grab2Go has a cooperation with the Benu pharmacy of the Rapla Risti shopping center, where the first Grab2Go device was installed in September 2022. Since it is a completely new and innovative solution in this field, additional changes and tests were carried out in cooperation with Board of Medicines of Estonia to ensure the safety and quality of the device would equally meet the requirements of a regular pharmacy service. With an official temporary permit, the first Grab2Go device was launched on March 29, 2023. As customers are interested in this field and the company has big plans on this market, Grab2Go has started cooperation with Accelerate Estonia, which is an organization specially created by the Estonian Ministry of Economy and Communications for cooperation between companies and the public sector. As an expected result of the cooperation, Grab2Go hopes that the technical requirements for enabling self-service pharmacies will be agreed upon so that the solution can be used autonomously 24/7.

In the gas station sector, Grab2Go announced on August 9, 2023, that it has signed an agreement of intent with Terminal AS with the aim of creating an automatic self-service store solution that will be launched in 2023 at the Terminal AS gas station.


As of the end of June 2023, the company employed four founding shareholders. Software development and hardware development have mostly been acquired as outsourcing from specialists in the field. In order to speed up and to have more efective cost control the development of software and hardware, external cooperation partners are involved, from whom the resource of software developers and engineers is mainly provided for the faster development of the necessary functionality. Up to 30 people work are working behalf of the Grab2Go product including the subcontracted resources.


The financial reports for reporting period:

Statement of financial position

(In Euros)

  30.06.2023 31.12.2022 30.06.2022 31.12.2021
Current assets        
Cash and cash equivalents 280 294 172 924 405 917 8 547
Receivables and prepayments 16 727 6 664 18 443 51 678
Inventories 67 000 67 000 0  
Total current assets 364 021 246 588 424 360 60 225
Non-current assets        
Property, plant and equipment 127 238 142 106 142 174 835
Intangible assets 601 408 549 443 400 128 248 799
Total non-current assets 728 646 691 549 542 302 249 634
Total assets 1 092 667 938 137 966 662 309 859
Liabilities and equity        
Current liabilities        
Loan liabilities 0 300 003 0 0
Payables and prepayments 51 686 58 381 106 495 70 284
Total current liabilities 51 686 358 384 106 495 70 284
Total liabilities 51 686 358 384 106 495 70 284
Issued capital 812 527 752 270 3 885 3 467
Share premium 878 394 262 872 1 011 257 249 582
Retained earnings (loss) -435 389 -13 474 -13 474 0
Annual period profit (loss) -214 551 -421 915 -141 501 -13 474
Total equity 1 040 981 579 753 860 167 239 575
Total liabilities and equity 1 092 667 938 137 966 662 309 859


Income statement

(In Euros)


  01.01.2023 - 30.06.2023 01.01.2022 - 30.06.2022
Revenue 278 0
Raw materials and consumables used -1 234 -2 417
Other operating expense -94 720 -45 457
Employee expense -98 943 -87 948
Depreciation and impairment loss (reversal) -15 696 -5 179
Other expenses -1 222 -503
Operating profit (loss) -211 537 -141 504
Interest income 27 3
Interest expenses -3 041 0
Profit (loss) before tax -214 551 -141 501
Annual period profit (loss) -214 551 -141 501


Cash flow report

(In Euros)

  01.01.2023 - 30.06.2023 01.01.2022 - 30.06.2022
Cash flows from operating activities    
Profit/loss (-) for the period -211 537 -141 504
Depreciation and amortization, impairment 15 696 5 179
Total adjustments 15 696 5 179
Changes in trade receivables and prepayments -10 063 -1 765
Changes in trade payables and prepayments -1 605 15 905
Interest received 27 3
Proceeds from grants 0 35 000
Total cash flow (-outflow) from operating activities -207 482 -87 182
Cash flows from investing activities    
Payments for Property, plant and equity and Intangible assets -56 567 -277 541
Total cash flow (-outflow) from investing activities -56 567 -277 541
Proceeds from issuance of shares 347 419 762 093
Proceeds from sales of own shares 24 000 0
Total cash flow (-outflow) from financing activities 371 419 762 093
Total net cash flow (-outflow) 107 370 397 370
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 172 924 8 547
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 280 294 405 917


Changes in equity

(In Euros)


  Issued capital Share premium Retained earnings (loss)       Total
31.12.2021 3 467 249 582 -13 474 239 575
Profit for the period     -141 501 -141 501
Issued shares 418 761 675   762 093
30.06.2022 3 885 1 011 257 -154 975 860 167


  Issued capital Share premium Retained earnings (loss)       Total
30.06.2022 3 885 1 011 257 -154 975 860 167
Profit for the period     -280 414 -280 414
Issued shares 748 385 -748 385   0
31.12.2022 752 270 262 872 -435 389 579 753


  Issued capital Share premium Retained earnings (loss) Total
31.12.2022 752 270 262 872 -435 389 579 753
Profit for the period     -214 551 -214 551
Issued shares 60 257 615 522   675 779
30.06.2023 812 527 878 394 -649 940 1 040 981



Additional information can be found on attached document.

         Mart Viilipus, mart@grab2go.eu, tel: +372 5305 3173

Grab2Go 2023 H1 2023 unaudited interim report.pdf