SIA Arsenal Industrial, registration number: 40103815302 (hereinafter – Issuer), in accordance with Section 5.3. of the Terms of the Notes Issue (ISIN: LV0000860153) dated 28 November 2023 (hereinafter – Terms of the Issue) asked the Noteholders to grant their consent for amendments to the Terms of the Issue (hereinafter – the Application). The Application was published on 9 October 2024.
Unless it is defined otherwise in this announcement, the capitalized terms and expressions used in this application shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Terms of the Issue and amendments to the Terms of the Issue.
The Issuer hereby informs that the voting of the Noteholders has ended on 23 October 2024.
In order for the amendments to the Terms of the Issue become effective, the Issuer in accordance with Section 5.3. of the Terms of the Issue is obligated to receive a consent (waiver) from the Noteholders who altogether own at least 50% (fifty per cent) of the outstanding Notes issued (excluding Notes owned by the Issuer, direct and/or indirect shareholders and Related Parties from the total outstanding amount of Notes). The principal amount of the outstanding Notes with ISIN LV0000860153 is EUR 4 500 000.
The Issuer has counted the votes cast and determined that the voting resulted with 76% (i.e., the Noteholders holding the Notes with the principal amount EUR 3 429 000) of Noteholders voting “for” the amendments to the Terms of the Issue.
Consequently, it shall be decided that the Noteholders have accepted the amendments to the Terms of the Issue provided for in the Application, and the amendments to the Terms of the Issue have entered into force on the date of publication of this announcement.
The approved amendments to the Terms of the Issue are attached herewith.
The Issuer will transfer an amendment fee in the amount of 1 % (one per-cent) of the principal amount of the Notes held by each Noteholder who voted “for” the amendments. The payment will be made within 30 calendar days following this announcement of the amendments' entry into force (until 22 November 2024).
The Issuer expresses its gratitude to all Noteholders who have cast their votes during the voting period.