Sun Investment Group bondholders (ISIN LT0000313256 issued in 2023) can conveniently exchange their current bonds into the new ones (ISIN LT0000409963), by subscribing the newly issued bonds and settling the payment with the nominal value of the existing bonds.
After completing this action, the coupon for your currently held bonds (ISIN LT0000313256) will be fully paid out on November 29. On the same day, the new bonds (ISIN LT0000409963) will become valid.
All or part of existing bonds can be exchanged before November 22, 2024, 3:30 PM.
This exchange can be carried out in the bank that holds your securities account (LHV, Swedbank, SEB Bank or others).
LHV: Log in to LHV online banking -> Investing -> Corporate Actions
Swedbank: Log in to Swedbank online banking -> Savings, Investments -> Corporate Actions, Offers
SEB Bank: Log in to SEB Bank online banking -> Investing -> Bonds -> choose SUN INVESTMENT GROUP bond exchange offer in the messages
The allocation of the newly issued bonds will follow a first-come, first-served principle.
Key bond issue details:
Issuer: Sun Investment Group
ISIN: LT0000409963
Tranche size: EUR 8 M
Coupon rate: 11.5%
Maturity: 2 years
Coupon payment rate: semi-annual
Subscription period of the Bonds: 4-22 November 2024
Issue price of one Bond: EUR 1,000
Collateral: The Bonds will be secured by the first rank pledge of 100% shares of the paid-up share capital and voting rights of Issuer’s Subsidiaries in Italy, managing a portfolio of solar power development projects in Italy with a capacity of 378 MW.
Use of proceeds: The net proceeds from the issue of the Bonds will be used to: (i) refinance previous bond issue (ISIN LT0000313256); and (ii) finance the Group’s working capital and further project portfolio development costs.
For more information and full documentation click here.
The recording of the Investor call is available in the following link.
Presentation can be downloaded here.