The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Invalda INVL AB (hereinafter - the Company) held on 30 April 2022 passed a resolution to approve the allocation of EUR 0.65 dividends per share for the year 2021, when the total number of shares entitling to dividends is 11,749,032. The total amount allocated for dividends would then be EUR 7,637 thousand. If the increase of the share capital is registered before the shareholders' rights accounting day, EUR 0.65 per share would also be paid for the newly issued shares. In this case, the amount allocated for dividends would increase to EUR 7,682 thousand.
The Company notes that dividends will be paid and the procedure for payment of dividends for the year 2021 will be announced within one month of the General Meeting of Shareholders approving the decision to pay dividends. Dividends will be entitled to those persons who will be shareholders of Invalda INVL AB at the end of the tenth business day after the General Meeting of Shareholders that has decided to allocate a part of the profit for dividend payment (at the end of 13 May 2022).
The ex-date is 12 May 2022. From that date the shares of Invalda INVL (ISIN code LT0000102279) acquired on the stock exchange with settlement cycle T+2 do not entitle to receive dividends for the 2021.
Other decisions of the shareholders meeting of Invalda INVL held on 30 April 2022 you can find here:
The person authorized to provide additional information is:
Raimondas Rajeckas, CFO of Invalda INVL