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Published: 2021-07-01 15:01:43 CEST
Arco Vara
Changes board/management/auditors

Yordan Lumbev is appointed the new manager of Arco Invest EOOD

The Management Board of Arco Vara AS elected Yordan Lumbev as the new CEO of Arco Invest EOOD as of 1 of July 2021. Kaloyan Radosslavov, former CEO of Arco Invest EOOD, will continue as head of Bulgarian development entities of Arco Vara Group (Arco Vara Bulgaria EOOD, Iztok Parkside EOOD, Arco Lozen EOOD, Arco Manastirski EOOD).

Yordan Lumbev joined the Arco Vara team in 2011 and also works as the CFO of Arco Vara Bulgaria. His job as head of Arco Invest EOOD is to communicate with the bank and keep the Madrid project a profitable venture.

Yordan Lumbevil holds a Bachelor's degree (BA) in Finance from the University of Portsmouth and a Master's degree in International Business Administration (MBA, with merit) from Cardiff Metropolitan University in Bulgaria.

The new manager does not own any shares of Arco Vara AS.

Tiina Malm
Arco Vara AS
Tel: +372 614 4630