English Lithuanian
Published: 2024-01-25 10:23:41 CET
Integre Trans
Notification on material event

Regarding UAB "Integre Trans" bondholders' meeting

Vilnius, Lietuva, 2024-01-25 10:23 CET -- UAB “Integre Trans” (the Issuer) held a remote bondholders' meeting for its bond issue (ISIN LT0000407553) on 24 January 2024  (the Initial Meeting). The Initial Meeting is recognized as not having taken place due to the quorum not being established (please see attached a Protocol of the Initial Meeting).

We hereby inform that a repeated remote meeting of the bondholders will be convened on 7 February 2024 (the Repeated Meating) during which the bondholders will consider approving the Issuer’s proposed amendments to the Issuer’s financial covenants – Net Debt/EBITDA ratio and Capital ratio established in Section 4.2 of the Company’s information document dated 11 April 2023.

We are kindly asking to get acquainted with the documents attached herein: (i) notice of convocation of the Repeated Meeting and (ii) early voting ballot. 

Integre Trans_Isankstinio balsavimo_biuliotenis_Pakartotinis_LT-EN.pdf
Pranesimas apie 2024 m. vasario 7 d. saukiama UAB Integre Trans obligaciju savininku pakartotini nuotolini susirinkima.pdf
UAB Integre Trans obligaciju savininku susirinkimo protokolas.pdf