AB “Novaturas” (the “Company”) informs that the Board of the Company decided to propose to the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be held on 24 May 2022 (the “Meeting”) an alternative draft decision on agenda item 8 “Acquisition of the Company’s own ordinary registered shares” (general ballot paper, which also includes the alternative draft decision as well as updated agenda and draft decisions of the Meeting is attached as annexes to this notification):
To acquire Company’s own ordinary registered shares on the following terms:
- The purpose of the acquisition of own shares – to create conditions for granting the shares of the Company in accordance with the Article 47 (1) of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania and upon the approved rules for granting shares of the Company;
- The maximum purchase price per share – 20 percent higher than market price of the Company’s shares on the Nasdaq Vilnius Stock Exchange when the Board makes a decision to purchase the own shares;
- The minimum purchase price per share – 40 percent lower than market price of the Company’s shares on the Nasdaq Vilnius Stock Exchange when the Board makes a decision to purchase the own shares;
- The term within the Company may acquire its owns shares – 18 months form the date of adoption of this decision;
- The maximum number of shares permitted to be acquired – aggregate nominal value of all own shares acquired by the Company may constitute up to 1/10 of the share capital of the Company (up to 780,700 (seven hundred eighty thousand seven hundred) shares;
- To assign the Board of the Company in accordance with the terms and conditions of this decision and the requirements of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, and when it is necessary – upon receiving the permissions of the creditors, to make decision on purchase the Company’s own shares, to organize the purchase of own shares, to set the order, the time, the number and the price of shares to be purchased at a specific stage of purchase of own shares, as well as to perform any other actions related to the acquisition of own shares.
1. Agenda of the Meeting and draft decisions;
2. General voting ballot.
Arūnas Žilys
AB „Novaturas” CFO
Tel. + 370 615 88259
E-mail: arunas.zilys@novaturas.lt