English Estonian
Published: 2013-05-14 12:08:12 CEST
Tallink Grupp
Minutes of annual general meeting

Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of 14 May 2013

Tallinn, 2013-05-14 12:08 CEST -- Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of 14 May 2013

There were shareholders having 525 526 210 votes registered at the Annual General Meeting, constituting 78,45 % of total of the votes represented by shares of AS Tallink Grupp.


Resolutions adopted at the meeting:


1.Approval of the Annual Report of 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2012 of AS Tallink Grupp

To approve the Annual Report of 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2012 of AS Tallink Grupp presented by the Management Board.


Tabulation of votes:

In favor: 525 492 190 votes (99,99 % of the represented votes)

Against: 0 vote 

Impartial: 34 020 votes (0,01 % of the represented votes)

Did not vote: 0 votes


2. Distribution of profits

1. To approve the net profit of the financial year of 01 January 2012 – 31 December 2012 in the sum of 56,302,000 euros;
2. To allocate 2,815,100 euros from the net profit to the mandatory legal reserve;
3. To pay dividends to the shareholders 0.05 euros per share, in the total amount of 33,494,102 euros;
4. 19,992,798 euros to be transferred to the retained earnings.

The list of the shareholders entitled to dividends shall be fixed as at 28 May 2013, 11:59 PM.

Dividends shall be paid to the shareholders by transfer to the bank account of the shareholders on 2 July 2013.


Tabulation of votes:

In favor: 525 492 190 votes (99,99 % of the represented votes)

Against: 1020 vote 

Impartial: 33 000 votes (0,01 % of the represented votes)

Did not vote: 0 votes


3. Nomination of an auditor and determination of the procedure of remuneration of an auditor.

To nominate the company of auditors KPMG Baltics OÜ to conduct the audit of the financial year 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013.

The auditors shall be remunerated according to the audit contract to be concluded.


Tabulation of votes:

In favor: 523 750 120 votes (99,66 % of the represented votes)

Against: 1 774 970 vote 

Impartial: 1120 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)

Did not vote: 0 votes


4. Amending the Articles of Association

To amend the Articles of Association and to approve the version annexed herero.


Tabulation of votes:

In favor: 453 083 487 votes (86,22 % of the represented votes)

Against: 72 398 323 vote 

Impartial: 1020 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)

Did not vote: 43 380 votes


5. Election of the member of the Supervisory Board

Due to the expiry of the term of authority of the member of the Supervisory Board Mr Kalev Järvelill on 29.01.2013 to elect Mr Kalev Järvelill retroactively as from 30.01.2013 for the next term of authority as the member of the Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp.


Tabulation of votes:

In favor: 519 036 957 votes (98,77 % of the represented votes)

Against: 6 405 265 vote 

Impartial: 1020 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)

Did not vote: 82 968 votes


6. Remuneration for work of the member of Supervisory Board

To remunerate the work of the member of the Supervisory Board pursuant to the resolution no 5 of 07 June 2012 of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of AS Tallink Grupp.


Tabulation of votes:

In favor: 524 334 424 votes (99,77 % of the represented votes)

Against: 1 106 678 vote 

Impartial: 2140 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)

Did not vote: 82 968 votes


         Harri Hanschmidt
         Head of Investor Relations
         AS Tallink Grupp
         Sadama 5/7. 10111 Tallinn
         Tel +372 640 8981
         E-mail harri.hanschmidt@tallink.ee

AGM 2013 ENG.pdf