DRAFT RESOLUTIONS Submitted by the shareholder of the Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm” Nika SaveljevaDRAFT RESOLUTIONS Submitted by the shareholder of the Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm” Nika Saveljeva to the extraordinary shareholders' meeting of Joint Stock Company "Olainfarm" June 17, 2021 at 11.00 1. Approval of the Remuneration Policy for Council and Management board of the Joint Stock Company "Olainfarm" in a new revision. Draft resolution: 1.1. To approve the Remuneration Policy for Council and Management board of the Joint Stock Company "Olainfarm" in a new revision. 2. Annulment of the resolution of the meeting of shareholders. Draft resolution: 2.1. To annul Clause 2 of the resolution of the extraordinary shareholders' meeting of Joint Stock Company "Olainfarm" April 1, 2019, in part which provided a compensation to a member of the Council due to premature removal of the member of the Council by a decision of the shareholder meeting, in the amount of 12 months fixed remuneration (Subsection 3). The decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. 3. Amendments of the Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm” Articles of Association, in Article 5. Draft resolution: 3.1. To ammend the Article 5 of the Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm” Articles of Association and express Article 5 in the following wording: “The Company’s Council shall consist of seven members of the Council.”. 4. Amendments of the Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm” Articles of Association, in Section 6.3. Draft resolution: 4.1. To exclude Section 6.3. of the Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm” Articles of Association.